
Egg Cheese 

 January 30, 2015

By  Kevin Fabris

This is a tried and true Mennonite recipe for lovers of custard and maple syrup!


2 litres of Skim milk

1 cup of Buttermilk

6 large eggs

1 tsp of salt

1 cup of maple syrup

Cheese cloth

Prep & Directions

1. In a large stock pot over medium heat warm milk and salt to just before boiling or 180 degrees. This should take about 20-30 minutes – Stir occasionally.

2. In a separate bowl combine the eggs and buttermilk and whisk well. Once your heated milk has reached temperature add the egg mixture slowly until incorporated. Turn temperature to low. Mixture will turn to curd texture over the next 5 to 7 minutes. Once the curds have formed there will be a clear liquid remaining around the edge of the curd.

3. Remove pot from stove and strain through a cheese cloth lined colander/strainer in your sink. Once liquid has drained through the cheese cloth, you will have your egg cheese remaining.

4. Remove your egg cheese from the cheese cloth and place in desired dish. Refrigerate this for 4-6 hours till completely chilled.

5. Once chilled serve portions of egg cheese with desired amount of maple syrup. In our house its a lot!!!

Kevin Fabris

About the author


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